Growth and Yield responses of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) varieties to Elevated CO2

Growth and Yield responses of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) varieties to

Elevated CO2

R. Manasa, R. V. Manju, Roy Stephen, M. M. Viji, R. Beena and G. S. Sreekala

Keywords: Elevated CO2, Ginger, varieties, growth, yield PDF


The present study investigated the effects of CO2 enrichment on growth and yield of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.). Three varieties of ginger Aswathy, Athira, and Maran were selected and grown in OTC (Open Top Chamber) enriched with 500 ppm of CO2 for a period of eight months. Intending to evaluate the impact of elevated CO2 on growth and yield. Elevated CO2 had a profound stimulatory effect on number of leaves (230.66), root fresh weight (48.87 g plant-1), shoot fresh weigh (188.83 g plant-1), tiller number (23) in Aswathy followed by Maran and Athira. Maximum fresh weight of rhizome was (228.75 g plant-1) evident in Aswathy. Although there was significant effect of e[CO2] on the three varieties, Aswathy was performing better when compared to Athira and Maran. Correlation studies revealed that plant height, number of leaves, root and shoot fresh weight, tiller number, were positively correlating to rhizome yield. These results indicate that the plant biomass and yield can be enhanced under controlled CO2 enrichment.


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