Effect of Different Potting Media on Bougainvillea Propagation cv. Mahara

Effect of Different Potting Media on Bougainvillea Propagation cv. Mahara

Babita Singh, S. S. Sindhu, Harendra Yadav and N. K. Saxena

Keywords: Bougainvillea, Cutting, Potting Media



An experiment on stimulation in rooting of Bougainvillea buttiana cv. Mahara using six different potting media i.e. Sand (Control), Sand: Cocopeat (1:1), Sand: Cocopeat: Perlite (1:1:1), Sand: Vermiculite:Vermicompost (1:1:1), Sand: Perlite: Vermicompost (1:1:1),Sand: Cocopeat: FYM (1:1:1) were conducted at Bougainvillea Repository, Division of Floriculture and Landscaping, IARI, New Delhi. This experiment was laid out in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications. Data were collected on days to first Sprout, no. of vegetative buds/plant, survival percentage of cutting, length of longest shoot, fresh wt. of shoots/plant, dry wt. of shoots/plant, length of longest root/plant, fresh wt. of roots/plant and dry wt. of roots/plant. The results showed that the treatment of Sand: Cocopeat : Perlite (1:1:1) was significantly better rooting than the control and all the other parameters with respect to rooting of cuttings like days to first sprout (8.66 days), no. of vegetative buds/plant (4.0), survival percentage of cutting (100%), length of longest shoot (44.75 cm), fresh wt. of shoots/plant (22.23 g), dry wt. of shoots/plant (7.41 g), length of longest root/plant (33.5 cm), fresh wt. of roots/plant (18.56 g) and dry wt. of roots/plant (6.19 g) followed by Sand: Cocopeat (1:1) compared to control and other treatments.


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