Tools for Authors
Successful publication of any scientific article not only depends on the originality of the research but also depend on the style, format, and the way of handling the language. A number of articles are available in both online and offline sources on how to write a scientific article.
The journal has zero tolerance to plagiarized articles. Prior to the submission of any scientific article, the authors must check for possible plagiarism. Several online-free plagiarism checkers are available and some of them are listed below to help the authors.
Plagiarism Checkers: Dustball, Grammarly, Viper, and many more free online plagiarism checkers are available in
Reference Section
There are several tools available for formatting of reference section. e.g.
Reference Manager
Use of Chemical Terminologies
The authors are should use the standard chemical terminologies recommended by IUPAC. Please refer to IUPAC “Gold Book“.
Chemical Structures
Use standard drawing tools such as ChemDraw, ChemSketch, to draw chemical structures of molecules.