Guidelines for Editors The manuscripts submitted to the journals should be selected, solely based on the basis of their originality/novelty, scientific merits in the given field, quality of research, and the language used. The manuscripts must not be considered for publication based on the regional interests/nationality, religion, sex, or any other personal interests. The editor should keep the review process confidential. The editor is responsible for maintaining the secrecy of the submitted manuscripts. The manuscript should not be disclosed or distributed to other than reviewers. The manuscripts should be considered for acceptance or rejection based on the comments given by expert reviewers. In any case the editor should not take decision on manuscripts based on his/her personal interests. The editor is responsible for maintaining the journal without the manuscripts containing plagiarism.
Guidelines for Reviewers The reviewers’ contribution to the Editorial Board is important to make decisions on manuscripts. Therefore, the reviewers must give utmost care while reviewing the manuscripts. The reviewer should give a detailed report on the manuscript based on the science described in the manuscript. The reviewer should not contact any of the authors by any means at any situation. The reviewer should not disclose the research given in the manuscript and the details of the authors and their affiliated institute. The reviewer should not use any of the data or the contents of the manuscript for his/her own research work or for the purpose of teaching.
Guidelines for Authors The manuscripts must be prepared according to the standards of the journal. The authors are solely responsible for the content of the manuscript. The authors are solely responsible for any kind of plagiarisms or incorrect science. Hence, the publisher, journal(s) or editorial board members, reviewers or the administrators are not liable any copyright infringements by the authors in any forms by any means. Any conflict of interests must be declared by the authors. The publisher, the editors, and the reviewers and anyone associated with the journal/publisher will not be liable to any of the infringements caused by the authors by any means.
Statement on Plagiarism The publisher has zero tolerance to plagiarism in any aspect of the publications. If any person notices plagiarism in the content of any article, they may directly contact the corresponding author and/or the Editor/Administrator. Upon receiving the complaint from the third party on the plagiarism by the authors, a ‘Plagiarism Investigation Committee’ will be formed and will request the authors to respond to the complaint. If the authors failed to acknowledge the issues or upon non-satisfactory explanations, the authors may be banned from publishing in the journal and/or may retract that particular troubled article. Also the publisher may intimate the misconduct of the author to the respective academic institute to which the author(s) belongs to.
The ‘Ethical Guidelines’ were prepared by the Editors of “Chemical Science Review and Letters”, India. The authors who submit their articles to this journal will be assumed that they read and accept the terms and conditions of the publisher and aware of the ‘Ethical Guidelines’ provided by the publisher by default.